3 Ways To Win With Your Money

If you don’t want to waste time, read this.

None of us like to waste time, but if you're a mom, you definitely can't waste time doing things that don't really matter.

Check out my 3 tips to help you win with your money without wasting your time:

1) Set Priorities - stop spending time on things that don't matter to YOU. Setting personal priorities will help you learn what to say yes to, and what to say no to. This is one of the biggest things I teach my clients.

Instead of just saying "I need to save more money" show yourself exactly what priorities you would be able to accomplish when you save money.

2) Find the 20% - look for the best ways to make an impact with your money. {Insert controversial advice} It's probably not your starbucks that's keeping you from building wealth 🤯😉

Do a budget review and look for the ways that are eating up the majority of your extra income. So many times we can be guilty of spending money and not realizing how much we've spent. Find 2-3 categories that you overspend the most & put your efforts in cleaning those areas up.

3) Gain Clarity - stop wasting precious time being confused on what to do. Simply put, you need a plan! Think of it as building a personal financial independence GPS for all of your money goals 🥰

When we feel like there is so much we could/should do with our money we get overwhelmed and stay stuck. Get clear on what you want to focus on. A simple way to do this is brainstorming with a friend or spouse. We can get a lot of clarity just by talking out loud!

Bonus Tip: If you want help getting all three of these action items accomplished, book a free discovery call to get started on building confidence and clarity with your money.

Anybody else thankful you can with with you money AND enjoy a cup of Starbucks in the process?!


Raising Smart Money Kids


The story I never wanted to tell {again}