Raising Smart Money Kids

Did you know that money habits are in place by age 7?!

While I believe you are never too old to change your habits, it’s important to know that setting your kids up for success starts young!

Too many times I heart clients say they wish their parents had talked about money, but then as adults we are hesitant to be open with our kids. Breaking that cycle starts with you bring open about money. It may feel uncomfortable, but it’s important.

One way to talk with them about money is to include them in the planning process. Now, I’m not saying your kids should get to decide the budget for the newest toys ;) BUT, help understand the why behind money decisions. This can look like letting them budget and shop for a meal.

Most importantly, you’ve got to make it fun! This can be as simple as playing board games that include money, or you could set a fun reward for a family savings goal.

Whether it’s investing, saving, or paying off debt, they will learn by your actions! Show your sweet kiddos the value of setting financial priorities. Don’t just talk about them, let them see you putting it into action.


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