Setting Financial Priorities

I remember thinking we’d always be bad with money.

We hoped that as we made more money we would magically save more money. Turns out 40% of people that make six figures still live paycheck to paycheck!

When we started setting clear financial priorities instead of a generic budget everything changed. We stopped letting life happen to us.

It was a simple shift that allowed us to live more intentionally.

So many people feel like they are failing financially and it's because they aren't tracking their progress! These priorities can change monthly, but you must make them measurable and specific. You can't win if you don't know the score ;) Just so we are on the same page, housing does come before amazon ;)

Listing your priorities in order of importance especially important for those on an irregular income. Make a plan to cover your expenses first, and then we work towards your financial priorities. Every payday make sure you put our financial priorities into action. Make decisions and spend your money according to those priorities. Don’t wait to “see what pops up".” This keeps you from spending money emotionally. This is exactly how we paid off $25k in CC debt in 18 months.

One of the biggest questions I get…
What is the difference between a budget and financial priorities? The difference is key.

A budget is simply list of bills and ways you feel you are supposed to spend your money. It typically leaves you feeling restricted, not inspired.

Starting with financial priorities shows your mind what is possible. It allows to to give your money a plan from abundance and creates personal momentum.

This shift in your mindset is the magic.

A budget often makes you feel like you are losing freedom. Focusing on your financial priorities helps you stay focused on what you are gaining financially, and you'll be gaining in areas that matter most to you.

If you don't tell your money what to do, it will find somewhere to go. Your money needs direction. When your money has direction, you gain clarity and confidence. This gives you so much freedom.

If you’re ready to gain clarity + confidence with your money, book a free discovery call where I can give you the framework for setting your own financial priorities in 2022.


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