The story I never wanted to tell {again}

What I wish I would have told myself 8 years ago…

“Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from God’s best for your life - there is beauty on the other side of grief”

8 years ago we lost our first baby girl at 10.5 weeks pregnant.

I spent the next several years living in fear that it would happen again. Anytime someone asked me when we were having kids I would say “next year” and kept saying that for years.

I wish I would have told myself to push through the fear. That there is beauty & joy that comes on the other side of fear.

In 2019 I went to counseling, I dug in, I faced my fears. Today I’m loving on our sweet baby girl, Sloane Marie who was born May 2020.

I wish I would have told myself that yes it will be HARD, yes there will be tears, but YES it’s going to be worth it. 💗

My prayer is that I’ll teach Sloane to live a life full of God’s BEST. That when given the option to stay comfortable or face the unknown, that she will jump INTO the unknown and fight for her dreams.

Isaiah 61:3 out of these ashes, beauty will rise.

Today the heartache of our second loss {September 2021} is still painfully fresh, so I’m making this post reminder for myself as much as you. Some days I wonder if I’ll ever stop feeling such loss. Grief is hard.

It took 7 years for our rainbow baby, too many of those years because I was too afraid to open my heart again.

I’m committing to not doing that this time. I’m holding true to God’s promises, I hope you’ll join me! ❤️


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