How I Changed My Money Story

I wish I could hug my younger self 🤍

She worked so hard to change her money story. I was the girl that couldn’t hold onto a dollar for a minute, I lived my life reactively and spent money to try to put a bandaid on my emotions.

Now I’m sure you think I’ll tell you that working with a financial coach was the BEST thing I did, but that would be a lie. And while it was crazy helpful, it was actually going to counseling and working through my emotions/thoughts was life changing.

💣Are you ready for a truth bomb?💣

Emotionally spending your money is just a reaction to a deeper issue. Financial coaching gave me a simple framework to build a life I love, but counseling helped me dig up the ugly roots.

So while I’d be honored to help you with 99% of the list of how I overcame my financial mistakes, I hope you’ll also spend time looking at the roots of your money story.

We all have them. I’m still working on mine.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Here is a list of the ways I overcame my money mistakes and rewrote my money story. I’ll share more specifics below.

- Setting clear financial priorities
- Automating my money goals
- Journaling and going to counseling
- Working with a financial coach
- Learning my triggers for emotional shopping
- Owning my mistakes with money
- Trusting the process & ditching perfectionism
- Making money FUN
- Setting a weekly date to talk money with my spouse.

Let’s dig deeper into journaling. Start with a pen and a notebook. It’s AMAZING what journaling out your thoughts can do.

Here are a few simple questions to start with {I still use them today}.

✨How do I want to experience this moment? (shopping trip, girls weekend, brunch, anything that can be a trigger for emotional spending).

✨What do I want my money story to look like? Why is it important to me?

✨Where am I feeling overwhelmed, and what is a simple action I can take today to move out of overwhelm?

✨What are my thoughts about how I spend/save/invest my money?

✨How would I like to do those things moving forward?

✨What evidence can you find to show yourself that you CAN make great money choices? {I promise, you can find some. Even if you need to start small}.

Cheering you on friend!

If you’re ready to work 1:1 with a financial coach I’d love the opportunity you help you build a life you love. Whether you’re 22 or 82, it’s never too late! Click here to book a call with me.


My Top Financial Mistakes In My 20’s