Client Experience FAQ’s

Am I the only person that appreciates knowing what I’m getting myself into before I get there? There is nothing worse than not having clear expectations for what something is, and what it isn’t. Especially in business.

I know that not every person I talk to is going to do business with me, but I do have a high expectation that every person is going to love the interaction they have with me.

Growing up my momma would always remind us kids to “be a blessing” when we would leave for work. That’s stuck with me. In fact, it’s one of the core values of our business.

One way I can do that is to answer the questions most people are either too afraid to ask, or haven’t thought about asking. This will give you a lot of confidence in booking with me. This is so important to me because I know how life changing that call can be for you!

Here is a list of the most common question people want to ask me:

Q: Beka, how much does it cost to work with you?
A: I always want my clients to know that I don’t change a monetary fee. And not just for the first call. My time and my advice is always free for my clients. Here is what I do ask from my clients instead of a fee, a few simple introductions. This keeps me from having to spend money on advertising. It’s a win/win for everyone! I tell clients I don’t need you to send an email with the top three reasons your friend should meet with me. What I’d actually love is a fun text introduction saying I taught you something valuable, and that I helped simplify your money.

Q: Beka, what do we talk about during your client experience call?
A: When you book a zoom call with me it’s you saying “Yes! I’m ready to feel better about my money!” The actual zoom call is us discovering how to best help you accomplish exactly that. Most people know they want to do better financially, but they don’t know where to start. That’s where I come in :) I have a framework of questions I ask clients based on the 7 steps I teach clients to build a life they love. In short, I’ll ask you a lot of questions on the front it to better understand your financial goals, I’ll teach you some simple concepts that can truly change your financial life! From there we will set up a second zoom call so I can put together a custom game plan together for you. It also gives you time to process and think of any questions you may have for me when we get back together.

Q: Beka, how do you help us with our money?
A: There are lots of different strategies I offer clients. The first part is figuring out what does matter to you financially, and then making sure we ensure those things can happen. In the last eight years of meeting with clients I’ve found that most people spend their money without setting clear financial priorities. I want clients to know that they can do ANYTHING with their money, but they can’t do everything. I’ve helped clients pay off debt, pay cash for their dream Disney trip, double their business revenue, start businesses, build a plan for a 10 figure net worth, build a savings for the first time etc. We’ve been able to do each of those things by first deciding what they wanted, and then putting together a plan to ensure that happens. What’s my magic trick for making that happen?! You’ll just have to book a call to see ;)

Q: Beka, if you don’t charge a fee, how are you making money?!
A: This is totally a valid question! I like to joke that I’m the Amazon of money. When you need to buy something if you’re like most Americans you are going to shop on Amazon. You don’t have to pay Amazon a fee to shop through them, but you know Amazon makes money from the retailers that use their shop. I work the same way! I have relationships/affiliate links with dozens of companies that will happily pay me. In a nutshell, the big companies are paying me, not my clients :) Just like the world likes the convenience of going to Amazon to buy everything, I know my clients value the ability to call/txt me for all their money questions.

The only question we have left to answer is this: are you ready to win with your money? Booking a call with me is life changing. Don’t take my word for it, see what Kelly M said:

“The entire experience has been so great. It’s been the best decision we could have made for our family. My only regret is not calling her sooner. We have learned so much and it’s given us a real peace of mind”

My commitment to you is do exactly what my momma said, be a blessing. Click here to book a call with me today. I’ll help you create a long term vision for your money with a clear framework on what you need to do today. I’ll guide you through each step of building a life you love.


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